THE company behind an East Lancashire auction mart has been fined after they failed to provide effective on-site disinfectant to help prevent the spread of disease.

Richard Turner, 57, of Stoneygate Lane, Ribchester, pleaded guilty at Hyndburn Magistrates' Court to an offence of failing to provide footbaths containing approved disinfectants at Gisburn Auction Mart.

Mr Turner runs auctioneers Richard Turner and Son which has an office in Sawley, near Clitheroe. The company is the licensee and operators behind the mart.

Mr Turner was fined £1000 with £145 costs for failing to provide adequate cleaning and disinfection facilities.

Since the 2001 foot and mouth outbreak it has been a legal requirement for livestock markets and other animal gatherings to provide facilities to allow anyone entering or leaving the animal area to cleanse and disinfect their footwear.

On the night in question a number of the disinfectant tubs had not been filled, or were missing, the court was told.

Speaking after the case, Mr Turner has said the incident would not happen again and the duty of refilling the tubs has now been delegated to a different staff member.

He said: "It's one of those things that get missed and shouldn't have done."

Magistrates heard that on Thursday, June 15, an officer from Lancashire County Council Trading Standards noticed that some of the disinfectant tubs at the entrance to the livestock areas were empty and that others were missing completely.

Trading standards officers said they spoke to Mr Turner who told them that he had allocated responsibility for the tubs to one of his employees who had not kept them filled up.