A GANG tried to raid a cash machine - but fled empty handed after failing to disable the shop's alarm.

Detectives believe at least three raiders were involved in the incident at the Co-op, Sowerby Street, Padiham, between 10.15pm and 10.50pm on Wednesday.

The gang forced their way through the roof to the cash machine.

But the burglar alarm which they had tried to disable went off before they had broken into the machine, alerting security guards who called police.

The gang attacked the machine with crowbars and other tools.

Detective Sergeant Ian Proctor, of Burnley CID, said: "It was a fairly crude attempt, but we still need to find out who these people are.

"We are looking at CCTV and forensic officers have searched the scene.

"We think there were at least three offenders.

"They didn't get any money but they caused a lot of damage to the machine, and although we haven't got any firm figures yet I would imagine that will cost quite a lot of money."

It was the second raid this week in which attempts were made to steal a cash store.

Last weekend, burglars broke into the Briercliffe Shopping Centre branch of building society London Scottish Finance, disabling the alarm before ripping a safe containing between £5,000 and £10,000 in cash out of the floor.

DS Proctor said the two incidents were not being linked, but inquiries continued.

He said: "In relation to the attempt on the cash machine, if anyone has seen someone acting suspiciously around that time or before the break-in happened, we would like to hear from them."

Contact Burnley CID on 01282 472144, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.