A TEENAGER needed hospital treatment after she was attacked in an alleyway by a gang.

The 15-year-old girl was subjected to a volley of abuse by the group of two girls and two boys before she was pushed to the ground and kicked repeatedly.

Police in Accrington are now appealing for any witnesses to the attack to come forward to help them catch the gang.

They are particularly looking for a woman, described as in her 30s, with shoulder length brown hair and a black jacket, who they believe saw what happened.

The attack took place on Monday at 5pm in an alleyway behind Malt Street.

Jamie Lillystone said: "The young girl was approached by a group of two females and two males and was subjected to verbal abuse before one of the females grabbed her hair, pulled her to the ground and kicked her in the ribs.

"She was taken to Royal Blackburn Hospital and treated for her injuries."

He added: "I appeal to the lady who stopped to speak with the group before the young girl was assaulted to come forward.

"She may have some information to help us with our investigation."

Witnesses are asked to call police on 01254 51212 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.