A SCHEME to stop thieves stealing from shoppers in Burnley is to be introduced after it received a ringing endorsement from police bosses.

Officers will be handing out cat bells to shoppers in the town over the festive period which can be fixed to purses and bags.

Traditionally there is a seasonal crime spree that sees pickpockets target shoppers and police hope the sound of the bells, usually fitted to a pet's collar, will give an early warning to potential vctims.

Sgt Vicky Crorken said the initiative proved so popular last year it was decided to hand out the bells to shoppers this Christmas.

She said: "Many towns and cities traditionally see an increase in purse and bag snatches and shoplifting at this time of year because of the extra money being spent and the distractions caused by crowds of shoppers.

"The aim of this initiative is to spare shoppers the misery of having their hard-earned money taken from them by opportunist thieves."

As well as being fitted to purses and bags the bells can also be attached to wallets and mobile phones.

Police are also urging shoppers to: l Keep bags closed at all times.

l Not to hang bags on shopping trolleys or put them in baby seats.

l Wear shoulder bags with the flap against the body.

l Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.

l Only keep items in bags that are needed for that occasion.

l Keep bankcards separate from cheque books.

l Report any crimes immediately.

Sgt Crorken added: "Thankfully, we've had relatively few bag snatchings and purse dippings so far this Christmas, we intend to keep it that way."