A 22-YEAR-OLD man who bombarded his ex-girlfriend with phone calls and text messages and made threats to her and her family has been jailed for eight months.

Blackburn magistrates heard that Craig Cotton refused to accept that his relationship with the 16-year-old girl was over and "turned nasty" when she refused to have anything to do with him.

Cotton, of Peridot Close, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to harassing the girl and two garage burglaries.

As well as the prison sentence, he was made subject to a restraining order for three years which prevents him having any contact with the girl.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, said the relationship had lasted a year before the girl ended it in September. Cotton began ringing her 40 to 50 times a day.

"Once he realised he wasn't going to get back with her he turned nasty," said Miss Allan.

"He said he was going to kill, said he would watch her get battered and said he would get her mum done in.' He rang her day and night as well as texting abusive messages."

Cotton then started to sit outside her house, waiting for her for hours.

After one incident when Cotton had been banging on the front door of the girl's home the police were in attendance when he telephoned her.

"The police were able to listen to the call which included a threat to kill her entire family," said Miss Allan.

Andrew Church-Taylor, defending, it was not unusual for someone reluctant to lose a relationship to react badly.

"He accepts this offence has gone beyond an expression of disappointment," said Mr Church-Taylor.

"The young lady who is the victim has attended court today and expressed concern about her former boyfriend."