ADAM Riaz, who lost his parents and four sisters in the Accrington fire tragedy, wanted to die to be with his family, according to a relative.

In a touching tribute, his cousin, Terry Clarkson, told how Adam, 17, was haunted by the fact he never got to speak to his father, who was the prime suspect for the blaze, about the fire.

His mum Caneze, 39, and sisters Sayrah, 16, Sophia, 12, Alicia, 10, and Hannah, three, died in their beds at their home in Tremellen Street, Accrington.

Father Mohammed, 49, died later in hospital from his injuries.

Adam was in hospital being treated for leukaemia at the time of the blaze on November 1.

But he died on Monday morning at the Christie Hospital in Manchester after his battle against terminal cancer. Terry, 35, said: "He really wanted to go and see his dad.

"But it was the nurses who told him he wasn't well enough to go and that his father would probably never regain conscienciousness.

"He wanted to know what had gone on and that bothered him because he never got to find out.

"I went to see him the week before he died and he was very weak.

"The doctors had given him some morphine so he was able to go into the games room.

"They told him he would have two weeks to live and he went just beyond that, as he died on Monday morning.

"Near the end he was very weak and wasn't drinking, but was showing pictures of his mum and sisters, indicating that he just wanted to be with them."

Terry said the appalling family tragedy had not yet sunk in properly for the whole family, as they had all been concentrating on helping Adam while he was ill.

He added: "He did take what had happened to his family really badly and I think that took away his will to live near the end.

"Nobody has really been able to grieve properly for the girls because we have been concentrating on Adam.

"The whole family is coming together to try and deal with it.

"It's been an awful time and everybody is going to need a shoulder to cry on."

Adam, who Terry said was a "brilliant, caring and outgoing person" who loved playing the guitar, will be burried alongside his mum and sisters at his funeral tomorrow.

A ceremony will be held at the Raza Jamia Mosque in Grimshaw Street, Accrington, at 10.30am before the burial at Accrington Cemetry in Burnley Road, Huncoat, at 11am.