Sexy, soulful, sophisticated - and secretly rather serious.

Classically-trained Matthew Herbert has been creating achingly hip, unusual electronic music for some years now, all with the aid of random everyday objects, from coffins and petrol pumps to bombers and vomiting.

You'd be hard-pressed to locate the source of any samples on Something Isn't Right, and that's the point.

On first listen this sounds like an R&B song about a relationship breakdown - sugary vocals; a gently insistent piano and beat; backing strings and brass.

Scratch a little deeper and a political rant pops up briefly in a few of the lyrics: "Cover up, it's an allied slaughter. Pucker up, it's a friendly torture."

When set against these words, the slightly Bondesque theme that grows through the tune takes on additional relevance.

Still, the politics is all fairly subtle, and well hidden beneath a heavy drenching of suave and a mist of ultra-cool.