A CAR dealer who clocked up his fourth excess alcohol conviction paid the price with a three-year ban.

Burnley Magistrates heard how Alfred Whelan, 52, got behind the wheel after a man who he bought a car off refused to drive it back to his allotment.

Whelan, who was not insured, then had a tiff with an ex-partner and had a couple of drinks too many.

The defendant, care of Fir Street, Nelson, admitted driving with excess alcohol, having no insurance and no licence, on November 3.

He was fined £220 and must pay £50 costs.

Carl Gaffney, prosecuting, told the court Whelan was stopped after police checked his vehicle and found out it was not insured.

They went to speak to him, noticed alcohol on his breath and took him to the police station.

There he gave two tests, the lowest of which revealed 55 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 mililitres of breath - the legal limit is 35.

Geoff Ireland, defending: "This is his fourth excess alcohol conviction.

"The time has come for him to hang up his keys now and say he is not going to get behind a wheel again."