ROAD safety campaigners are celebrating after council bosses agreed to build a roundabout on a rural Darwen road.

Residents set up Blacksnape Community Association to lobby for safety measures on Blacksnape Road which they claim is used as a race track.

Work will start in January on the mini-roundabout at the crossroads with Hoddlesden Road and Marsh House Lane.

The Road Safety Partnership, made up of council officers and police officers, have met regularly with the residents to come up with a plan of action.

Lib Dem councillor Chris Thayne welcomed the £25,000 plans which he said were well overdue.

He added: "This road is a long straight road which encourages it to be used as a race track. We are delighted money is being spent here."

Sue Skipper and Coun Dawn Robinson-Walsh, helped set up the group.

Mrs Skipper, 43, of Blacksnape Road, said: "It's meant to be a 30mph zone but people come through much faster.

"It makes you worried for the children. There are also a lot of walkers and horses who come through the village.

"During the morning and evening rush-hours it becomes a rat run. We also get a lot of boy racers."

PC Phil Hambley, of Darwen police, said: "The road is not a statistically high accident road but it is a high speed road statistically.

"The road safety partnership prioritises areas for action and this area is high on the list for resident concerns."

Coun Andy Kay, executive member for regeneration for the council, said: "Over the last five years, nine injury accidents have been recorded at the this junction.

"As part of the our accident reduction programme we are installing a mini-roundabout.

"We will also be installing small road humps so the speed of traffic approaching the junction will be reduced.

"Pedestrians from Hoddlesden are also experiencing problems crossing the road to and from the playing fields.

"To help alleviate this, a pedestrian refuge island on Blacksnape Road will be included within the scheme."