A DISGRUNTLED tenant has set up a web page dedicated to complaints against a housing association which he says is turning a blind eye to residents' problems.

Simon Kenyon says that he is fed up of being ignored by Hyndburn Homes, which acts as landlord for his flat in Spruce Court, Huncoat. The 36-year-old claims to have had numerous problems when trying to contact the non-profit association, which took control of 3,340 Hyndburn Council properties in April this year.

Mr Kenyon, 36, said: "I moved here in March and spent the first four months trying to get a leak fixed. In that time no matter who I was speaking to at Hyndburn Homes, it was like speaking to a brick wall."

Mr Kenyon has now set up a web page where fellow Hyndburn Homes tenants can register their views about the housing association. He hopes that by presenting a united front the residents will wield more power in influencing how the group performs.

Mr Kenyon added: "Maybe this will encourage the management to get their act together and listen to the people that matter. Without their tenants, there would be no income and without the income there would be no jobs. They must start listening.

A spokesperson for Hyndburn Homes said the organisation is looking at ways to improve communication between residents and staff.

They continued: "A key communication link in efforts to open up more dialogue between the company and residents will be a dedicated residents' area on the new Hyndburn Homes website which will be launched early in 2007.

"Residents will be able to give us their comments, news and opinions."

Mr Kenyon can be emailed at hyndburnhomestenants@yahoogroups.co.uk or visit the website below.