A FORMER carer who smashed into the back of a car at a crossing drove off without giving her details, Burnley Magistrates heard.

Leanne Roberts, of St John's Place, Nelson, admitted driving without due care and attention and failing to report an accident.

Roberts, 27, who already has six points on her licence, was banned for six months under the totting up procedure, after the bench imposed another seven. She was also fined £75.

Wendy Chappell, prosecuting, said the other driver noted Roberts's registration number.

Police later went to speak to her and said she must have "drifted off for a couple of seconds" when she hit the other car.

David Leach, defending, said when Roberts said she had drifted off, she meant she had a break in concentration, not that she had gone to sleep.

She did not give her name and address as the other driver had put her registration number in his phone.