TWO teenage girls were indecently assaulted in Burnley in what police believe to be connected incidents.

On Monday lunchtime, a 17-year-old was walking in Scott Park Road when she was approached from behind by an unknown male who groped her bottom. The offender is described as a white, aged in his late teens, of slim build, with a pale clean shaven complexion, with dark short hair, wearing glasses and dark clothes.

A male of a similar description assaulted a 14-year-old girl the following day, between 8.25am and 8.45am.

The girl was walking to school behind the library in Raglan Road, when a man came up behind her and put both hands up her skirt.

Insp Damian Darcy added: "We would like to advise young people not to walk on their own or to take short cuts, but to keep to bright areas with people around."

Call Burnley police on 01282 452001, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.