A WOMAN waiting in her car outside a takeaway was indecently assaulted by a 22-year-old man.

Blackburn magistrates heard Andrew Russell Donnelly admired the woman's physical attributes before asking if he could touch her. She said no but before she could do anything about it he grabbed her.

Donnelly, of Redlam, Blackburn, admitted indecent assault, taking a car without consent and two charges of vehicle interference.

He was made subject to community supervision for 24 months, ordered to do 240 hours unpaid work, pay £200 compensation to the victim of the indecent assault and banned from driving for 12 months. Donnelly was also placed on the Sex Offenders Register for five years.

Scott Ainge, prosecuting, said that after grabbing the woman, Donnelly dropped his trousers and showed his backside.

Liz Parker, defending, said the offence had been fuelled by drink and Donnelly had been showing off in front of his friends.

"He is silly but he is not a dangerous offender," she added.