A BATTLE against crime and grime will be waged on the streets of Accrington next week as views on how to improve the area are sought.

The Peel ward will be the focus of the campaign over the next week. From Monday workers from the council, police and fire service will be knocking on residents' doors to talk to them about their concerns.

The aim of the project is to reduce criminal damage, anti-social behaviour and related environmental crime, increase community pride and create cleaner, greener and safer neighbourhoods.

The event is being co-ordinated by the Community Safety Team and is running in parallel with an initiative in Peel Ward involving the Youth and Community team.

Coun Graham Jones, Peel ward, said "This is a multi agency approach to tackle the problems in Peel ward. We will have people from the council including environmental health enforcement officers and recycling officers and representatives from the police and a whole host of agencies including Hyndburn Community Network who will be available to chat to people about their concerns."

Several partner agencies will be involved over the week and on Thursday December 14 from 2-8pm agencies will be available for information and advice in Cambridge Street Methodist Church, Lodge Street, Accrington.