A teenage girl who assaulted three people was warned by a judge: "Steer clear of drink".

Jordan Wilson was told by Judge Andrew Blake, at a Preston Crown Court hearing: "If you get drunk again and hit someone, I will send you to custody".

The 18-year-old of Alexandra Road, Blackburn was given a year's jail, suspended for 18 months, with 18 months' supervision.

She had pleaded guilty to one offence of actual bodily harm assault, one of common assault and a bail offence.

Another charge of common assault had resulted in a conviction following trial in her absence at the magistrates' court.

One of the offences involved an assault on a 17-year-old girl at a young person's hostel in November last year.

Wilson was said to have punched the girl in the left eye, causing her to fall to the floor. She was on bail for that offence when the other two assaults took place.

Miss Emma Kehoe, prosecuting, said the other two assaults happened at the Cellar Bar in King Street, Blackburn, in January this year.

At one point of the night, a 17-year-old girl decided to go upstairs to the beer garden, in search of her boyfriend.

An argument was taking place nearby and she suddenly felt her back being hit. The girl fell to her knees and there followed a number of blows.

She sustained injuries including a puncture wound to the left hip.

It turned out that the victim's boyfriend had also been assaulted by the defendant shortly beforehand.

Wilson had lashed out at him, scratching the left side of his face. She was arrested that night, but her police interview was delayed due to her having drunk a large amount of alcohol.

Mr Richard English, defending, said the offences were serious and unpleasant, but the court could pass an alternative sentence to immediate custody.

Mr English said: "She realises she has a problem, not only with drink, but dealing with her temper. She recognises the need to change her behaviour."

Judge Blake told Wilson "I have decided to give you one last chance. You cannot handle drink. Do that again and I will lock you up."