PEOPLE who get "winter vomiting disease" must stay away from school and work, an East Lancashire health boss has warned.

Sufferers must be clear of the symptoms of gastro-enteritis for at least 48 hours before leaving their homes, said Dr Steven Gee of the Health Protection Agency North West.

The bug, caused by the "norovirus" causes vomiting or diarrhoea and is common during the winter months.

It affects up to one million people in Britain every year and is short-lived and does not require treatment.

Dr Gee said: "Gastric illness caused by norovirus is highly infectious and can spread like wildfire in closed communities such as hospitals, care homes, sheltered housing accommodation and schools.

"There's a lot of norovirus infection about at the moment and people will feel miserable while they have it, but they should resist the temptation to visit their GP surgery or hospital accident and emergency unit.

"In most cases there is no benefit in people with this type of gastrointestinal infection being in hospital.

"They should stay at home, take plenty of fluid until the condition passes and, if the illness persists, contact their family doctor by phone or take advice from NHS Direct, the 24-hour NHS information service."

Sufferers should wash their hands regularly, he said.

Norovirus infection is a common cause of gastro-enteritis.

The onset of illness is often sudden and severe with projectile vomiting. Some people also have diarrhoea.

The symptoms normally last for 24 to 48 hours after which the person will feel lethargic and "washed out".