AN INQUIRY is being called for into the "disastrous waste" of money spent on a £500,000 council-controlled website that bosses say has been a massive flop.

The Hyndburn Life website was intended to empower residents in deprived communities by providing them with a wealth of on-line resources.

It was also hoped that it would attract businesses and tourists to the area with its webpage building facilities and local information.

But its forum discussion pages are almost empty and the information on it is outdated.

Last month the site finally took down contact details for Coun Edith Dunston, who died in July, following pressure from fellow councillors.

Coun Graham Jones, leader of the opposition Labour group in Hyndburn, is now demanding that a full inquiry be carried out into the management and monitoring of the website.

Mr Jones, Peel ward, said: "This web site is the biggest white elephant and a disastrous waste of money.

"It is so poorly updated it is practically useless."

The money was given to the borough to improve life for residents in four key areas - Barnfield, Central, Church and Spring Hill wards.

Mr Jones added: "It is the equivalent of £23 for every Hyndburn resident.

"The money could have been used much more effectively.

"Using it on an internet site was arrogance and novelty."

The funding for the project was given to the People of Accrington and Church Together group from several sources.

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister gave £75,000, £266,000 came from the Single Regeneration Budget and a further £250,000 came from the European Regional Development Fund.

Leader of Hyndburn Council, Peter Britcliffe said he would welcome an investigation into how the money had been spent.

He added: "If we have made mistakes then we want to learn from them - but it must be pointed out that this website had absolutely no effect on tax payers' pockets.

"This was a directive from central Government and other authorities had similar difficulties in meeting Government deadlines and many were even less successful than we have been.

"The idea behind the site was to get community groups on-line but the world of technology moves fast and many groups have started up their own communication sites and do not need this one."