A RECRUITMENT agency manager has slammed the thief who stole a charity collection box from their reception.

And Beverly Lynn, manager of Temploy in Railway Road, Darwen, is urging the thief to search their conscience and return the money.

She set up the collection in aid of Cancer Research UK four weeks ago.

Beverly came up with the idea as she had lollipops left over from a Christmas church fair for St James' sPrimary School in Darwen.

She decided to give them away as a gift when donations were put to the charity jar.

But on Tuesday the box went missing from the reception counter.

Beverly said: "I saw the box when I came into the office on Tuesday morning and I noticed it was missing around 4pm that afternoon.

"There are always people coming in and out of the office at all times.

"We can hear the bell when someone enters and leaves the building.

"I bought the lollipops for the fair and lots were left over and I thought it was a way we could support local charities rather then just give them away.

"The jar was stolen and the lollies left behind. There was only five to six pounds in change in the box.

"I was just shocked when I had realised what had happened.

"A charity like Cancer Research is very well known so I don't understand how anyone could have done this. I can't work it out.

"It was a small container with change in it.

"It is just shocking, especially because Darwen is a friendly place and has a quite closely-knit comm-unity."

Beverly had used a square mint sauce jar which was around 8cm high and 10cm wide, and had sealed the jar and wrapped it with white paper.

It had a sign on it which said Temploy supports Cancer Research.' Beverly would like the box returned to the recruitment agency She said: "I am appealing to anyone who took the box to return it.

"They can do it anonymously, maybe drop it round the back of the building with a note on it or hand it in anonymously."

The matter has been reported to police and officers are investigating.