THE threat of more torrential rain did nothing to dampen the spirits at Whalley's annual Pickwick night.

More than 2,000 people turned out for the King Street event which offered fine food and drink and entertainment with a Victorian twist.

The streets were full of revellers, many of whom turned out in 19th century garb for the event, which is in its 18th year.

The evening kicked off at 6pm with carols accompanied by a Salvation Army band.

Celebrations were then officially opened by former Pickwick committee chairman Neil Shepherd.

He said the event had become a local tradition and added: "I see it going from strength to strength and long may it continue."

He told the crowd: "I guess the aim of the evening is really for you all to enjoy yourselves and have a great time and it is one evening which brings all aspects of the community together which I think is brilliant."

A £1,000 cheque was then handed over from the committee towards the refurbishment of the children's playground at the bottom of George Street.

The best urchin' competition was also judged from the stage for the most downtrodden-looking Victorian child.