A DISTRAUGHT man who battered a love rival with knife sharpening steel after his fiancee admitted she had had sex with him has kept his freedom.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Lee Alderson, 20, had been traumatised by his girlfriend's confession before he went round to the home of her colleague, Mark West, took the law into his own hands and set about him.

Mr West suffered multiple abrasions, bruises and lacerations after he was hit repeatedly in the onslaught, but did not want to see his attacker - now reconciled with fiancee of three years, Amy Tomlinson - to go to jail.

Alderson, who had no previous convictions, admitted wounding in May.

The defendant, of Cravendale Avenue, Nelson, was given 30 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months, with 40 hours unpaid work.

Sentencing, Judge Pamela Badley, who told Alderson it was fortunate his victim was not more seriously injured, added:"I hope you get your life back and that this won't be repeated in any way."

June Morris, prosecuting, told the court Mr West, 20, moved from South Africa and began work at a home, Andrew Smith House, as a carer.

He met Miss Tomlinson there and the pair soon started a relationship despite the fact Miss Tomlinson was engaged.

Miss Tomlinson later told the defendant she had had sex with Mr West that afternoon.

The defendant was enraged, got his partner to show him where the victim lived and armed himself with a metal weapon, about 12 inches to 14 inches long.

Miss Morris said Mr West opened the door and identified himself and Alderson attacked him, leaving him with injuries to his head, fingers and legs.

The defendant was arrested and made full admissions and showed police where he had discarded the weapon.

Michael Murray, defending, said the defendant's life took on a very different aspect emotionally the afternoon his fiancee broke the news.

He had effectively been "drip fed" details of being "cuckolded" by Mr West and what had been happening came out bit by bit.

Miss Tomlinson took it upon herself to point out where Mr West lived.

Mr West had now moved away from the Nelson area.