THE flow of festive spirits will be monitored this Christmas in a crackdown on drink-related violence and underage boozing.

Operation Shepherd has been launched to come down hard on drink- related crime over the Christmas period.

As well as focusing on assault, drink-driving and domestic violence, police will also be keeping a close eye on premises that may be selling alcohol to children and teenagers.

Test buying operations are planned throughout December and those failing the tests could have their licences to sell alcohol removed.

There has already been a series of test purchases where three Blackburn outlets were identified as selling alcohol to minors and now have their licences under review.

Lancashire assistant chief constable Mike Cunningham said: "Oper-ation Shepherd is not about the police being killjoys this Christmas.

"What we aim to do is ensure that people who want to enjoy the festive celebrations can do in a safe environment. People do tend to drink more alcohol at this time of year but the type of behaviour that often results from excessive drinking will not be tolerated.

"We are doing all we can to reduce alcohol-related incidents at a time that should be spent peacefully and with enjoyment.

He added: "There will always be a minority that spoil things for everyone.

"Obviously we are happy for the Christmas spirits to flow but would ask people to enjoy themselves responsibly."