A GROUP has applied for a £50,000 lottery grant to restore three waterfalls in a Darwen park.

The Whitehall Park Supporters' Group has started work to create sensory rose garden.

But before that project has even been finished, the group has come up with a plan to restore the water features too.

One of the waterfalls is 100ft tall and other two flow from the main one half way down.

John Starbuck, chairman of the group, said the waterfalls were collapsing because the stones around it were crumbling away.

The project would strengthen those stones and also clear the trees around the site to make the waterfalls more visible.

A crumbling bridge near the waterfall would also be renovated.

Mr Starbuck said:"We have applied for a grant to restore the waterfalls. They are stunning when it rains."

Since the group was formed in 2003, the members have been busy planning the park's restoration.

Construction on the sensory garden started last week as workers began installing the rosebeds.

There will also be wide paths to cater for disabled visitors and an interpretation board with descriptions in braille.

Mr Starbuck said: "We have not decided which roses to plant yet but are looking into it.

"We will have them ready for planting in spring."