A WOMAN was swept away after falling into a brook while laying her dead pet goldfish to rest in the waters.

The woman, who is in her mid-40s and from Burnley, had to cling to a tree branch in Tinker Brook, Oswaldtwistle, for over an hour before she was rescued.

She was only pulled from the water, which was five-foot deep, thanks to the efforts of police officers, who jumped in to help her to safety.

The officers have been praised for their quick thinking and bravery following the rescue in the fast-flowing brook yesterday afternoon.

The woman was taken straight to the Royal Blackburn Hospital where she was treated for potential pneumonia.

Sgt Allen Davies hailed PC Jimmy Saddoo and PC Victoria Wilson who waded into the water to rescue her from near the Tinker Brook Fold estate off Roe Greave Road.

He said: "Their bravery deserves to be commended.The woman was in serious difficulties and the situation could have been very different without their action.

"The brook was a lot deeper than usual because of recent heavy rain and the steep banks were wet and slippy."

PC Saddoo said: "It was just one of those situations where you get on with it.

"We knew that we had to act fast because she looked exhausted, clinging on for her life to the branch."

He said that the pair both entered the water in their uniforms and used ropes to make sure that they were not swept away.

PC Saddoo added: "It was difficult to stand but we got hold of her and pulled her out on to the far bank.

"She looked exceptionally tired. She said she was there because she had a dead goldfish she wanted to bury.

"It was certainly a bad judgement on her behalf."

PC Wilson added: "When we arrived you could see the fear on this lady's face."