A drunken young mum who took part in an early morning raid on a couple's Accrington home is starting an eight-month jail term.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Agnes MacDonald, 21, was found in the living room of the Royds Street, property by police, who were alerted by a passer-by.

The victims, who were asleep, knew nothing of the attack on their home until they heard officers shouting: "Come out, Come out. Police," to the defendant's male accomplice.

The occupants, a 68-year-old pensioner who suffers heart problems and his partner, were left shocked and scared by the raid while the defendant later claimed to police she thought there had been a party at the property.

The flat had been in darkness and there had been no music, the court was told.

MacDonald, who has a little girl, fought back tears in the dock as a judge told her although her behaviour seemed out of character it had had an adverse effect on the victims, particularly the elderly man.

Judge Barbara Watson said drunkeness was no excuse and she would be failing in her public duty if she did not send the defendant to prison.

The judge continued: "It is unfortunate you didn't have in the forefront of your mind your responsibilities to your young daughter."

MacDonald, of Somerset Grove, Church, admitted burglary in July.

Martin Hackett, defending, said the offence was not planned or sophisticated and there did not seem to have been any large-scale ransacking.

The defendant's record was not extensive and she was remorseful for her actions.

Mr Hackett said the defendant accepted that the court would ask why, having a young daughter, she was doing out, drinking until the early hours.

MacDonald was trying her best in difficult circumstances.