LANCASHIRE'S chief fire officer has praised the Lancashire Telegraph's campaign urging people to turn off electrical stand-by buttons.

Peter Holland said: "We are fighting hard to encourage people to take fire risks seriously and I would like to pay tribute to the Lancashire Telegraph for running this campaign.

"The reality is that far too many fires are caused by electrical faults.

"People need to be more vigilant with the risks that fire poses in the home.

"The Telegraph is helping tremendously in our battle to reduce the terrible damage that fire causes to people's lives."

He added: "I genuinely think people don't realise how serious the risk is. We need to continue to raise awareness."

Firefighters have warned home-owners that essential electrical appliances which are on 24-hours a day could kill them if they are not regularly serviced.

The Lancashire Telegraph launched its Turn It Off campaign to encourage people to save lives, save energy and save money by not leaving appliances switched on and unattended or on standby.

The campaign was backed by MPs and fire crews and highlighted the fire risks, with 2,414 fires across the county started by electrical appliances since 2003.

Fire crews have said things like fridges and freezers - which are in constant use - must be serviced and used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to stop them malfunctioning.

Watch manager Andy Barnes from Blackburn fire station added: "The message from the fire service is to switch any appliance that is not being used off at the plug.

"Electrical appliances do malfunction and cause fires."

Blackburn MP and Leader of the House of Commons Jack Straw and Burnley MP Kitty Ussher have also backed our campaign.