A 31-YEAR-OLD man attempting to break in through the roof of a Blackburn town centre computer shop was caught ‘bang to rights’.

Blackburn magistrates heard Craig Michael Porter was on the roof of the shop with a hammer and his crow bar still connected to a nail.

Porter, of St Peter Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to burglary at Soft Sell Computers with intent to steal.

He was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, said a neighbour was disturbed by the sound of banging and looked out of his upstairs window to see Porter on a nearby roof.

Tiles had been taken off the roof and wooden battens damaged but Porter had not managed to get inside the building.

“When police arrived he was still on the roof and his crow bar was still connected to a nail,” said Miss Allan.

Scott Parker, defending, said there was already some damage to the roof which encouraged Porter to try his luck.

“He didn’t get in but accepts if he had he would probably have taken something,” said Mr Parker.