ASBESTOS has been found in the basement of Darwen town hall, it has emerged.

And specialist staff wearing protective gear are to this month try and salvage historical documents from the town's history which are stored in the basement.

Council bosses have confirmed that brown asbestos was found in the basement earlier this year. The area has since been cordoned off for the safety of staff.

Andrew Lightfoot, deputy chief executive for the council's regeneration and technical department, said: "Asbestos was discovered in the basement of Darwen town hall in February this year as part of the general asbestos surveys in council buildings.

"The area has been out of bounds since then.

"The asbestos is Amosite or brown asbestos.

"Later this month the specialist company appointed by the council, the council's information manager and a representative from the Archivists Section of Lancashire County Council in Preston will visit the basement and under strictly-controlled conditions they will attempt to ascertain exactly what the contents are and assess their value as historic records.

"Once this is established, a decision will then be made on how to proceed."