THE first Blackburn Canal Festival saw hundreds of people soak up the sun at Eanam Wharf.

The free event began on Saturday and continued yesterday and saw dozens of decorated barges, children’s events, boat trips, kayaking, street theatre and craft stalls.

The event, which received £1,000 of funding from the borough council, was officially opened by Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen Coun Salim Mulla at 11am on Saturday.

The event aimed to celebrate the history of the Leeds Liverpool Canal and the importance that Eanam Wharf played in the development of Blackburn.

Organiser Bill Charnley said: “Our first day went extremely well with more than 1,500 people attending throughout the day, and the feedback that we received was excellent and Sunday was equallygood, if not better.”

  • HUNDREDS of visitors to Blackburn Canal Festival were entertained by a Lancashire Telegraph flashmob at a sun-drenched Eanam Wharf on Saturday.

Performers from the town’s Dance And Performing Arts (DAPA) took part in the event, to promote your bigger, better Lancashire Telegraph to the watching crowds.

As part of the flashmob, copies of Saturday’s newspaper were given out so those in attendance could catch up on the day’s news from across East Lancashire.