A CARER' who attacked his sick wife had verbally and physically abused her virtually from the start of their 34-year marriage, a court was told.

Burnley magistrates heard that George Greenwood's victim had suffered two heart attacks - and would say after the first one she would rather have died than put up with the volatility of their relationship.

Greenwood, his wife's carer, struck her, leaving her with a sore face.

He later told police he had been drinking and should not have done it.

The defendant, of Lancaster Drive, Padiham, admitted assault by beating, following the incident on November 13.

He was bailed until December 21, for a pre-sentence report.

The bench, who said the victim was vulnerable, told Greenwood they wanted to punish and rehabilitate him.

Andrew Creswell, prosecuting, said Mrs Greenwood suffered breathlessness, had become depressed and had seen a psychologist.

Her husband had been out drinking, she was making the beds and he came upstairs to help.

He pushed her into his room and onto the bed and held her down as she struggled to breathe.

Mr Creswell said the defendant then got hold of the victim's T-shirt with his teeth, lifted it, exposing her chest, climbed off her and said: "You don't have sex with me."

He then hit her in the face, the court heard.

Police were called and Greenwood told them he had been to a friend's and had four or five cans of lager.

He said he and his wife had argued and he had slapped her.