A BURNLEY shop could have its licence reviewed after it was caught selling booze to under age children.

Council and police bosses have revealed they are looking into whether the Spar shop, Accrington Road, should be allowed to continue selling alcohol after it failed a spot check.

The Spar was caught out last month when police, Burnley Council and Trading Standards carried out a number of test purchases in the borough.

As part of the Home Office-funded scheme, children who clearly looked under 18 - and who should have been asked to prove their age - were sent into licensed premises to try to buy booze.

Following the incident, council and police bosses have been working together to decide whether to take any action and residents have been asked their views.

A final decision is expected soon.

Burnley Council's principal licensing officer Peter Henderson said: "We have been liaising with the police and residents over the matter, which as an issue is of great concern to the local community.

"We are currently awaiting further instruction from the police as to whether they wish a review of the licence for these premises to be undertaken.

"If they do, then the matter would then be presented to the council's licensing committee for further consideration."

A spokesman for Spar said the manager or owner of the branch had been called in for extra training following the incident and that it was "very upset and disappointed" at failing the test purchase.

The Awan Food Store, in Mill Hill Bridge Street; Morgan's off-licence, in Livesey Branch Road; and The Grove pub, in Church Street, all Blackburn, are to have their licences reviewed by Blackburn with Darwen Council after they failed similar tests.