BAKERS are being asked to make a few extra mince pies this Christmas to help Pendleside Hospice's Light Up a Life fundraising campaign.

More than 900 people are expected to switch on a Christmas light in memory of a loved one at services on December 16 and 17, and organisers are hoping to have a spare mince pie for all of them.

Clare Richards, of the hospice, said: "The service really is a wonderful, poignant occasion, however, because it takes place outside we like to offer people refreshments.

"To cater for approximately 1,800 people over two days would be very expensive and to ensure that all the money raised from Light Up A Life is used on patient care we invite people to help us by baking mince pies.

"Alternatively, when you are buying your own mince pies for Christmas would you help us by popping an extra packet in your trolley and donating them to us."

The mince pies can be left at the hospice at any time before the ceremony, or brought on the day.