PROTESTERS in Barnoldswick handed out the addresses of councillors who will decide whether to axe a retained fire crew.

On Saturday in the town square, councillors and firefighters, who have collected more than 5,000 signatures on a petition, joined forces to drum up more public support against the plans.

The campaigners gave out the addresses to town centre shoppers in the hope that people will write to councillors on the Combined Fire Authority demanding that a Barnoldswick retained crew is saved.

As part of a review of Lancashire's fire services, it is recommended that one of Barnoldswick's two retained crews be axed because fire bosses claim it is not needed.

Coun David Whipp said: "There was a lot of anger and bewilderment from residents who could not understand why Barnoldswick's fire engine and crew is under threat.

"Members of the fire authority will be getting a lot of letters from people on the issue.

They will be personally liable for the decision and cannot hide behind a recommendation."

The fire authority will make the final decision at a meeting on December 18.