A GANG of around 15 youths attacked two Burnley College pupils in Thompson Park.

As revealed in Saturday's Lancashire Telegraph, a 16-year-old Burnley College student was left needing hospital treatment after an unprovoked attack at 1pm on Friday.

The victim was knocked to the ground and repeatedly beaten by some of the group.

And now details of a second attack have emerged.

Police said that another Burnley College student, who was doing his homework in the park, had come forward to say he was punched in the face minutes after the first attack.

The first victim was left with facial injuries and taken to Burnley General Hospital.

Initially it was feared he had broken bones. However, he suffered bruising and swelling and was discharged later on Friday.

The two main suspects are described as Asian and slim.

One was 17-20, wearing a brown hooded top, dark jeans and Rockport shoes.

The second was younger, possibly 15, 5ft 6ins, with a shaved head.

He was wearing a black coat, grey trousers and trainers.

The offender was Asian, 17, about 6ft 1ins, with short black hair.

He was wearing a black jacket, white shirt, black trousers, a dark tie and Rockport shoes.