BACUP town centre stepped back in time as it hosted its annual Victorian theme fun day.

About 2,000 people descended on the town centre for the family event designed to get residents into the Christmas spirit.

The event, now in its third year, was officially opened by the Valley's MP Janet Anderson.

It featured a number of attractions at venues throughout the town centre including the library, Bacup Natural History Museum, Conservative club and Sure Start centre.

Activities included brass bands, street dancers, an Irish band, Santa's grotto, fairground rides, food stalls and a Victorian photograph exhibition.

And those who got in on the act and dressed up in Victorian costume could also win a prize.

The mayor and mayoress of Rossendale, Coun Peter and Hazel Steen, judged the competition for the best dressed town centre shop window before the day culminated in a carol service in St James' Square.

Ronnie Barker, from the Bacup Consortium Development Trust, which organises the event, said the dry weather helped more people turn out compared to last year when it rained most of the day.

He added: "There were all sorts of activities and I would say we had a couple of thousand throughout the day.

"We have a good community spirit in Bacup and the event brought some Christmas cheer to Bacup."