A THUG who carried out a "sustained, vicious and brutal" assault has been jailed for a year.

Stephen Trent, 30, of Nelson Street, Accrington, had a history of violence and had already served a five-year term of detention for a serious attack, Burnley Crown Court was told.

Trent, who put his victim Robert Dugdale in hospital for three days, had continued the unprovoked onslaught while his victim was on the ground, the court heard.

The defendant was jailed by Judge Barbara Watson, who said she believed he posed a significant risk of serious harm to the public and had trouble controlling his anger.

She added: "There is a link between your offending and alcohol. You have an extremely serious alcohol problem in addition to your addiction to heroin."

Trent admitted assault causing actual bodily harm.

Michelle Grimshaw, 29, of Snowdon Avenue, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to common assault in connection with the incident. She was given a two-year community order.

David Macro, prosecuting, said Mr Dugdale was at friend's house. His sister, the owner and the defendants were drinking.

At about 3.30am, the victim's sister said a false allegation had been made about him watching porn in front of her daughter.

Grimshaw pushed Dugdale and Trent then started punching him in the face as Mr Dugdale begged him to stop. The victim fell from the sofa and Trent ran up and kicked him in the head, the court heard.

Mr Macro said Mr Dugdale blacked out and when he came to, ran from the property. He suffered two black eyes and a number of cuts.

The court was told it was a "sustained, vicious and brutal assault".

Charlotte Holland, for Trent, said the offence crossed the custody thresh-hold and prison would follow.

Miss Holland added the defendant, was the subject of a drug rehabilitation requirement.

He would be able to detoxify while in custody and funding was now available for a alcohol rehabilitation agency when he was released from prison.

Nick Courtenay, for Grimshaw, told the court she was in a very different category to her co-defendant.