A PREGNANT woman slashed a pensioner with a carving knife, a court heard.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Samantha Balderstone, 22, who had been addicted to drink and drugs, had turned up at the victim Brian Taylor's home in the early hours.

She had started to make a sandwich and cut him with the knife after waving it towards his face, the court was told.

Mr Taylor put up his arm to defend himself and believed if he hadn't he would have suffered serious facial injuries.

Balderstone claimed she believed her long-term friend had been about to make a sexual advance towards her.

Balderstone was given a 12-month jail term, suspended for two years, and ordered to attend the Addressing Substance Related Offending programme.

She was told by Judge Barbara Watson, who said the sentence was more in the public interest, that if she flouted it she would go to prison, "pregnant or not".

The judge said the defendant had an "utterly depressing," criminal record, had had a complete lack of control, and the conviction for violence represented a serious escalation in her offending.

Judge Watson said many people and agencies had been provided to Balderstone to offer her support and help her with her various addictions, but with little success.

Balderstone, of Caldervale, Barrowford, had admitted assault causing actual bodily harm, following the incident on May 23.

Jeremy Grout-Smith, prosecuting, told the court Mr Taylor, 66, had been asleep when the defendant turned up at his home at 1.45am, under the influence of drink and drugs.

The pair knew each other and Balderstone was with a friend. Mr Taylor opened the front door and went back to bed.

The victim heard noises from the kitchen and called out:"What are you doing now?" Balderstone replied she was making a cheese sandwich. Mr Taylor went into the kitchen and the defendant started waving a carving knife towards his face.

Mr Grout-Smith said the victim out up his arm to protect himself, Balderstone continued slashing out and cut him twice on the left arm, causing gashes between two and a half and three inches in length.

The defendant had a "fairly lengthy record" of 20 previous convictions, the court heard.

Charlotte Holland, defending, said Balderstone, who had since tried to apologise to the victim, had a long-standing drug addiction and had breached a lot of community orders.

She was now five months pregnant and that had made a considerable change to her attitude to her own life and also to the unborn child to whom she was responsible.

Miss Holland said Balderstone was now on methadone and was looking healthier than she had for years.

She still had difficulties with alcohol but was complying fully with the agencies who were trying to help her, Miss Holland added.