A COUNCILLOR has defended Rossendale Council's planning department after it was handed a fine by a Local Government Ombudsman.

The council was last month found guilty of maladministration after the Development Control department caused a significant delay in finalising an agreement for a planning application submitted in 1997 by developers The Hurstwood Group.

The agreement stipulated that the developer had to give some benefit back to the community.

But the council's failure to rubber stamp it meant the application was refused this year due to a change in regional planning guidelines.

The council had to pay £2,500 compensation to Hurstwood on the Ombudsman's recommendation because of the delay.

But Coun Alan Neal, a member of the Development Control Committee, said that the onus should also lie with the legal department.

Speaking at a meeting of the full council, Coun Neal said: "I find it slightly perverse when you get an Ombudsman criticising planning officers when clearly the report aims at legal issues.

"At the end of the day planning officers provide reports, development control members make decisions on the information provided, and once it's passed on it's up to other areas to deal with it.

"It's a legal issue once it's been dealt with at a planning level.

"To single out specific individuals is unfair, particularly when they do not have a right to reply."

Deputy Labour group leader Coun Alyson Barnes added: "I hope we haven't got anything else in the cupboard that the Ombudsman can pull out, because it all costs money which costs the rate-payers of Rossendale."

At the meeting the full council voted to approve a 12-month plan to make significant improvements to the planning department, taking on board the criticisms levelled by the Ombudsman.