A DRUNKEN man who beat up his partner of eight months tried to rub her face in broken glass on the floor, a court was told.

Colin Barry Roscoe, 53, also held a piece of glass up to victim Catherine Harris' face, kicked, punched her and called her names, poured cider over her head and then crushed the empty cans on her head, Burnley magistrates heard.

He then threw water over her and hit her over the head with a pan.

Roscoe was said to have regularly verbally and physically abused Mrs Harris, but she told police he was loving and caring and she wanted him back, the court heard heard.

The defendant, of Blackburn Road, Haslingden, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm, following the incident on October 30.

He was bailed until December 21, for a pre-sentence report.

The bench, who said they were thinking of a high community penalty, told Roscoe they were not committing him to the crown court for sentence because he did not have a record for violence.

The chairman added the defendant had shown remorse and had attended the Pendle Domestic Violence Initiative.

Andrew Creswell, prosecuting, said the relationship between the defendant and victim was volatile.

She had been out with friends to a workingmen's club and when she returned, Roscoe had locked her out and at first refused to let her in.

Mrs Harris realised the defendant had been drinking. He was verbally aggressive and then threw her onto the kitchen floor which was covered in broken glass.

Mr Creswell said Roscoe continued the assault and a neighbour phoned police.

Mrs Harris suffered a cut lip, a sore and bleeding nose and other injuries.

The defendant said he could not remember what happened but said his partner would not lie.

Sara Lyle, defending, said Mrs Harris had made a retraction statement, saying she no longer wanted the proceedings to go ahead and wanted a reconciliation.

She would say Roscoe was a very caring, loving person and had never acted in such a way or assaulted her before.