THE blessing of a Christian nativity scene will help bring a festive spirit and religious tolerance to a town centre, according to its Muslim mayor.

Coun Mohamed Rahman, Mayor of Hyndburn, will take part in the annual blessing of the crib ceremony outside Accrington Town Hall on Monday.

Coun Rahman said that while other councils across the country pandered to political correctness and dropped the religious element from winter celebrations, it was important to respect different faiths' traditions.

He added: "We are living in a multi-faith society. We should celebrate that, but at the same time we can celebrate it together."

Coun Rahman will open the proceedings at 3.30pm before children from St Mary Magdalen's Primary School, Accrington, sing carols and Father David Lyon, team rector for the parish of Christ the King, blesses the crib.

Coun Rahman continued: "Whether you believe in Allah, God or whoever, we all want the same thing at Christmas - that no one comes to any harm and that the world is at peace."