THE victim of an alleged hit-and-run which shocked a community has relived the moment he almost died.

John Hill, 52, of Union House Hotel, Blackburn, was thrown against a wall after he was struck by a stolen silver Vauxhall Vectra which mounted the kerb in Freckleton Street, Blackburn.

Shocking CCTV footage later obtained by the Lancashire Telegraph's website showed John being hit as he walked home in the evening rush hour.

As he lay motionless with a shattered spine and serious head injuries, the car continued its journey and disappeared out of shot.

John spent just under five weeks in hospital after the accident, on August 17, and still does not recall the moment of impact.

He has only been out twice since he was released from hospital at the end of September and is only now able to talk about the incident.

He said: "I remember I had been coming from town after seeing a friend then the next thing I was waking up in the ambulance.

"I just can't believe I was left on the floor for dead.

"I think if I wasn't near home I would be dead without a doubt.

"I woke up hospital in three weeks later and to this day I don't know what happened to me.

"My brother says that I shouldn't watch the CCTV footage.

"I just have absolutely no recollection of what happened and don't know how to come to terms with it.

"I want to get and about more, I used to be an active person before this happened.

"I don't blame whoever was responsbile, I want to move on, get back to normal and get on with my life."

The former civil servant returned to Blackburn from Blackpool approximately two years ago and found himself staying in Union House after he was unable to find a place to live in Blackburn.

He now walks with the aid of a walking stick following the incident.

John's brother Darren Hill, 38, also from Union House, Blackburn, arrived at his brother's side minutes after the crash.

He said: "Someone came running and told me that had John had been hit.

"He was lying on the floor unconscious and I was relieved when he started to come round.

"One thing I can't believe is while my brother was lying on the floor someone stole his bag from him."

George Holden, 46, of Elgar Close, Blackburn, took off his biker jacket to cover Mr Hill.

He had fallen underneath a leaking drain pipe and was soaking wet, and sat with the casualty until an ambulance arrived.

John said: "I want to say thanks George for helping me."

He added: If it wasn't for my brother I don't know what I would do.

"He has been helping me get back on my feet and we're looking for somewhere to live at the moment."

Saajid Patel, 18, of Winchester Street, Blackburn, appeared before Blackburn Magistrates Court charged with aggravated vehicle taking, failing to stop after an accident, using a motor vehicle without insurance and driving without a licence. The case was adjourned.