A CARING Blackburn girl is off to Africa for ten weeks to work in a remote Tanz-anian village.

Former Our Lady and St John pupil Kimberley Anderson will leave for Tanz-ania in October and, while she does not yet know which rural village she will be placed in, she has been told she may be near Arusha, in the north of the country.

Kimberley will be volunt-eering with Raleigh Intern- ational Trust, a charity which helps people of all ages, and nationalities, to make a difference to communities and environments.

She said: “It’s all about sustainable development, and access to education, sanitation, and health.

“The charity also helps people to develop their bus-iness ideas.”

Kimberley applied for the placement through Intern-ational Citizen Service (ICS).

ICS is a government-fund-ed volunteering program-me for young people in the UK who want to do devel-opment work abroad.

The 21-year-old, who has just graduated with a 2.1 in criminology and criminal justice from Edge Hill Univ- ersity, hopes the experien-ce will benefit her future career.

She said: “I want to go into this field of work, but I’m not sure whether I want to stay in the UK, or go abroad.”

Kimberley is now trying to raise £800 to give other young people the opport-unity to take part in the programme.

She said: “My costs have already been paid, so the money goes towards giving bursaries to people who aren’t in a position to pay otherwise.

“It also goes towards res-ources for when you’re out there. The charity does a lot of building work, build-ing things like community centres.”

To support Kimberley visit: http://www.justgiving. com/Kimberley-Anderson 1991.