DARWEN Pedal Car Grand Prix will be bigger than it has ever been this year, say organisers.

The fourth annual event, on Saturday, July 21, sees teams race around a town centre circuit and this year has been split into separate categories for the first time.

The main race will be the usual two-hour relay, setting off at 1.30pm and featuring only homemade pedal cars, while a shorter fun race involving council-provided ready made cars will take place in the middle.

Teams already signed up for the race include the regular competitors from the Bridgewater pub and Crown Paints.

And for the first time, Darwen’s firefighters have entered a car, and the 105th Manchester Scouts pedal car team, a big name on the national circuit, have entered five cars.

Organiser Phil Jones said: “We will have more people than ever before and more home-built cars than ever before.

“This should be the biggest and best event we have had since starting out four years ago.

“It will no doubt be a fantastic day for all the family to come down and watch the spectacle.

“But also we hope it will arouse the attentions of the national pedal car scene.”