MORE than 200 people have signed a petition to oppose a proposed landfill site extension near Ramsbottom.

Peel Environmental Ltd wants to build an anaerobic digestion plant at Fletcher Bank Quarry, Shuttleworth.

A public exhibition of the plans will be held at Ramsbottom Civic Hall tomorrow from 3pm to 8pm.

The petition reads: “It will only provide five full-time jobs for Ramsbottom in a site that will be largely automated.

“It can become a health hazard as it will be plagued with bad odours and pathogens that will be carried over the Ramsbottom valley and in close proximity to heavily-populated areas with many schools and areas of natural beauty.

“The traffic generated by hundreds, if not thousands, of HGV lorries full of waste and tankers full of toxic sludge rumbling through Ramsbottom, Edenfield and Shuttleworth will create, every year (for many years), a problem that is in itself not 'green' and will cause untold damage to the road network in and around Ramsbottom.”