CHILDREN’S play areas have been closed after vandals caused damage too costly to repair.

The council shut two outdoor play zones in Blackburn after individuals set fire to equipment, broke swings and uprooted the surfacing.

Residents living near Griffin Park and East Street Park, both in Griffin, have been unable to use the play areas since last month.

Among the items removed from Griffin Park were a slide, carousel, suspension bridge and climbing ropes.

The park was created in 2005 after the now-defunct Griffin Park Residents’ Group won £5,000 of lottery funding to create a swing set.

It was the subject of a £75,000 council renovation in 2007 after health and safety concerns were raised over existing equipment.

Group member Liz Barrett, 57, said: “This just keeps happening time and time again so it’s pointless renovating it. But if more activities were provided for older children, then maybe they wouldn’t feel the need to damage the play area which the the younger ones used.”

Neighbour Alison Wilson, 42, who used to take her grandchild to the park, said the play areas should be repaired. She added “It’s a worry that it’s planned to stay closed because children won’t have any where safe nearby to play during the holidays.” Mill Hill ward Councillor Carol Walsh raised concerns over a lack of alternative parks. She said: “There isn’t a lot of other safe places for children to play near their houses which is a worry as the summer holidays approach. It might lead to some of them to playing in the roads.”

The council’s executive member for environment, Coun Jim Smith, said: “Due to a number of disgusting acts of vandalism on the play area at Griffin Park, and because of unprecedented cuts to the council’s budget making it impossible to replace the equipment there, the play area has been closed whilst we consult with local residents on how to move forward.”

The council said there were several usable and refurbished play areas in or around Mill Hill such as Galligreaves play area, Wolseley Street, Hollin Bridge Street and Mill Hill Gardens.