A MOTHER-of-four has been jailed for eight weeks after bursting into a woman’s home and carrying out a vicious attack.

Sharon Hartley, 33, attacked Elizabeth Shepherd, a mother-of-two, after allegations made to the police.

Hartley banged on the victim’s door, barged in, put her hand around the victim’s neck, pinned her against a wall and punched her repeatedly in the face.

The victim was left with several ‘nasty’ soft tissue injuries.

Hartley’s partner Peter O’Connor, 31, stood in the doorway, prevented Ms Shepherd from leaving and pushed her, causing her to fall backwards.

Burnley Crown Court was told how after the incident, Ms Shepherd had nightmares and had been left always looking over her shoulder.

Hartley, who has a previous conviction for assault, sobbed in the dock as Judge Jonathan Gibson told her he was very conscious of the fact she had four children, had thought long and hard about his decision, but could not suspend the ‘inevitable custodial sentence’.

The defendant had admitted assault causing actual bodily harm.

O’Connor, who had no previous convictions, the court heard, pleaded guilty to common assault.

O’Connor, who works for J and J Ormerod, in Bacup, received a 12-month community order, with 12 months’ supervision and an alcohol specified activity requirement. He must pay £100 compensation. Both live at Thorn Bank, Bacup.

Stephen Parker, prosecuting, said last October 28, the victim was at home, when at about 6pm, she heard aggressive banging at her front door. Hartley barged in and attacked her.

Mr Parker said O’Connor and Hartley continued the assault, dragged the victim round the back of the settee by the hair and told her: “If you get the police involved, I will come back and do worse.”

Ms Shepherd did not fight back. She suffered cuts, bruises and scratches.

Philip Holden, for Hartley, said she was ordinarily a decent person and prison would be dramatic for her, principally because of the effect on the children.