A DRUNKEN gang who invaded a man's home at night, terrorising the victim and his partner, have all been locked up.

Burnley Crown Court heard how, during the ‘menacing’ trouble at the Nelson home, Daniel Dewhurst was attacked and feared he would be seriously injured and the telephone was demanded from his hysterical girlfriend Chantelle Gibbs as she tried to phone the police.

The hearing was told how Christopher Costello, 24, and his accomplices Leonard Thomas, 23, and Shaun McLaughlan, 20, had forced their way into the house at about 11pm on January 17 after drinking.

Costello, of Chapelhouse Road, who has 83 offences on his record, Thomas, of Edward Street and McLaughlan, of Netherfield Road, all Nelson, had each admitted affray. All were jailed for 16 months.

Michael Wallbank, prosecuting, said the victims were in bed when they heard loud banging on the back door. Mr Dewhurst opened the door and saw three males.

The victim closed the door, ran back upstairs and heard what he thought was kicking at the door.

He told his girlfriend to call the police but then realised the door had been forced open.

Mr Wallbank said all three defendants went into the bedroom and Mr Dewhurst was pinned to the bed by one man while Thomas threw a punch at him, the court was told.

McLaughlan shouted to Miss Gibbs: “Are you on the phone to the police? Give me your phone now.”

She hung up but refused to hand the phone over. Mr Wallbank said Costello was surprised anybody was in the house.

McLaughlan denied it and Thomas said he couldn't remember what happened but did remember a girl screaming and described her as terrified.

McLaughlan had two previous offences and Thomas had 11 offence.

For Costello, James Heyworth said alcohol, stupidity and recklessness could apply to the vast majority of his previous convictions.

Defending McLaughlan, Philip Holden said violence was minimal and not added to by the defendant.

Louise Cowen, representing Thomas, said he deeply regretted what he had done.

Passing sentence, Judge Beverley Lunt, told the trio: “This was a very frightening home invasion by all three of you.”