A TERRIFIED shopkeeper was held at knifepoint by a man wearing a distinctive motorbike helmet.

Dramatic CCTV pictures show Haisum Qayyun, 18, being threatened with a large kitchen knife as his mother and a customer looked on.

He said he thought he might be stabbed when the raider pulled out the knife during his Friday night shift at his parents shop MA Fruit and Grocery Store, on Barkerhouse Road, Nelson. Police have released CCTV images of the armed robber who wore a blue and white motorcycle helmet.

He burst into the shop and demanded Mr Qayyun open the till.

When he refused, the man pulled a large kitchen knife from his sleeve and pointed it at the shopkeeper, making threats towards him and also a terrified customer.

He then reached over and grabbed around £100 in cash before fleeing.

Mr Qayyun, who works at his parents shop, said the family had only owned it for 12 days before the incident happened.

He said: “The man walked in and started looking around the shop. I knew something wasn’t quite right as he was wearing a motorcycle helmet.

“He came over to the till and demanded that I empty it. He spoke in a local accent but his voice was a bit slurry so I’m not sure if he had been drinking.

“At first I refused as I didn’t want to give away all our hard work for nothing.

“He pulled a knife out of his sleeve which was about 25cm long and had a very sharp looking tip.

“I thought I should do what he said because I thought I might be stabbed or that he might harm my mum or the customer who were also in the shop.

“At this point the customer tried sneaking out of the shop to get help but he saw him and shouted at him to stay where he was.

“I emptied the cash out onto the weighing scale but after a few minutes he complained that I was taking too long and shouted to hurry up but he grabbed the till and emptied it all out and took the top part of the weighing scale and walked out of the shop.

“The incident has been really upsetting for my family. We have only just bought the shop and were told that nothing like this has happened before.

“At the time it felt a bit surreal but now I’m just really angry that it happened.

“Now we make sure that we have two staff on in the evening, which is costing us more money.

“We are really worried about it happening again because we cannot afford to lose two days profits as it has already caused us some financial strain.”

DC Steven Acres, from Burnley CID, said: “I would appeal to anyone who has information about this incident to come forward and contact the police.

“CCTV images have been released of the man we would like to speak to in connection with this incident. While it is not possible to see the man’s face from the CCTV images, he was wearing distinctive clothing and a distinctive blue and white motorcycle helmet and I would appeal for anyone who recognises him from this to get in touch.

“This was a very frightening incident for the shopkeeper who has been left shaken following his ordeal and officers are offering him support.”

Anyone with information about the incident on 15 March should call DC 49 Steve Acres or DS 2568 Charlie Haynes on 01282 472240 or on 101, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.