AN alleged disturbance involving a samurai sword in Burnley has led to two men facing a possible crown court trial.

Ben Blackburn, 26, and Emmanuel Chukwu, 27, are both accused of brandishing the weapon in Kingsbury Place, on January 26.

Blackburn, of Towneley Street, Burnley, and Chukwu, of Wickworth Street, Nelson, are each accused of affray and possession of an offensive weapon, Chukwu is also charged with assaulting Kayleigh Porter and Donna Edmundson on the same date.

The pair have sent for trial on bail on condition they are electronically tagged, and they will appear before Burnley Crown Court on March 18.

Editor’s Note: Mr Emmanuel Chukwu wrote to us in November 2020 saying that  he was subsequently convicted of common assault by Blackburn Magistrates in relation to the incident.