Street-level crime in M26 3LX - Lancashire Telegraph

Crime for M26 3LX

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Street-level crime and anti-social behaviour in from the Home Office.

To protect privacy, crimes are mapped to points on or near the road where they occurred.

Street name Crime type

Police station and neighbourhood policing team

Neighbourhood police station

  • Telephone: 0161 856 8181
  • Email:

Radcliffe North neighbourhood policing team

PCSO 71362 Leech
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Greater Manchester Police to request that they add this information.
Inspector Gareth Edwards

I’m Gareth Edwards, Inspector, covering the areas of Prestwich, Whitefield, Radcliffe, Unsworth areas in Bury
I have worked in GMP for over 18 years covering a variety of roles including Response, Specialist Operations, Custody and now Neighbourhoods.

I have a dedicated team of Sgts, Constables and PCSO’s who are committed to their areas and work alongside the community to achieve results.

We aim to keep in touch through our social media pages, neighbourhood watch meetings and other regular surgeries in the local area.

You can contact any of your neighbourhood staff directly and we aim to respond as soon as we can to any issues.

I cover a diverse area, however the common themes of crime and anti-social behaviour remain our core business in each ward area.

However we can help, do not hesitate to contact us.

Sergeant Matthew Doyle
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Greater Manchester Police to request that they add this information.
Police Constable Gerard McGowan
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Greater Manchester Police to request that they add this information.

About this neighbourhood

The force responsible for policing and crime prevention in this area is Greater Manchester Police.

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Monthly crime data provided by under the Open Government Licence