The last four remaining couples who are very closely matched become three and the introduction of the fifth judge Darcey Bussell this week should really help to stir things up on the panel, but would the celebrities do the same on the dance floor?

Ali Bastian and Brian
TANGO: A very clean looking routine from these two this week, with good strong clean lines and staccato timing. Overall, a good performance. However, there were a couple of little stumbles that just took the edge off for me.
SAMBA: One of the hardest Latin dances to perform, I felt the technical ability was a little flat. There were a lot of false hip movements and the back feet on the Samba walks were danced with a sickle. The whole routine seemed very fluffy, not hard and flowing or full of the carnival spirit.

Laila Rouass and Anton
AMERICAN SMOOTH(FOXTROT): A beautiful flowing Foxtrot with lots of performance, style and grace. A little stumble two thirds of the way through threw Laila off track, but she looked stunning. I do not agree with the judges as it was not as bad as they made it out to be. Probably deserving to be in the dreaded dance-off but I have to say Laila [ulled out all the stops out and I thought it was a very close call and not a one man show. Laila will be missed and I think she deserved to be in the semi-final.
SALSA: There were some really nice Salsa moves in their routine that were danced quite well, however there were a lot of mistakes all the way through the performance that could not be pulled back. Anton should not listen to the judges:- he knows he is not not a Latin dancer and he did not look as bad as they said. The performance was definitely deserving of more than a five.

Chris and Ola
WALTZ: After last week I was expecting a lot more from my favourite couple, especially dancing one of the easier of the Ballroom dances. Head, Head, Head, by now Chris: I would have expected him to correct this! His steps, footwork and body contact have improved so much, he just needs to finish his performance off.
SAMBA: The performance value was brilliant, even though it was danced quite heavy footed, but they must have spent hours in the studio rehearsing as the routine was so polished and precise. I disagree with some of the judges comments that there was no content; it was one of the best performed Sambas of the series.

Ricky Whittle and Natalie
FOXTROT: Ricky’s technique has still not improved of the last several weeks compared with the other male celebrities. He still dances everything pigeon-toed and does not straighten his knees. His top line and his timing are impeccable, he does feel the dance, but for me the lack of technique in the lower part of the body spoils his overall performance. Again Ricky did deserve to be in the dreaded dance-off for the second week running and I am still in two minds whether the judges made the right decision. It was a close call.
CHA CHA: Pretty much the same in his Latin as the Ballroom dance, Ricky has no lower leg strength. Dances like the Cha Cha should be quite difficult and wooden-looking. Again his performance value and his upper body is amazing but when you look through this and concentrate on his legs and footwork he is still quite bent in the knee. Overall I was quite disappointed in Ricky’s performance this week.